How Can We Help?
While inverter manufacturers design their own solar monitoring platforms, Curb takes things a step further. Their system monitors not just your solar array, but every appliance in your home! The graphs and data are well designed and plenty.
A Curb system is sometimes chosen since it shows data for both solar array production and energy consumption at a granular level. This information is quite useful when determining where the “energy suck” is coming from. You can pin-point the appliances that are consuming the most energy and decide how you want to reduce that consumption or oftentimes, have the appliance run at a different time of day (a non-peak-use time or during the day when your solar can offset the consumption.)
This system allows you to better manage your electric bill while also providing continuous, whole house energy audits.
Curb website – click here
Curb manuals and extremely helpful FAQs – click here